Sunday 31 July 2011

Double Time Nails

Hey guys!

This week I am sporting a gunmetal grey and light pink manicure. I used Sally Hansen hard as nails extreme wear in gunmetal (grey) and OPI Nail Lacquer in Suzi sells sushi by the sea shore (pink). Here is a  picture:

How to get this look:
1. Paint nails fully grey *Important* MUST be fully dry ( I suggest fully painting your nails grey a day or two before you add the pink )
2. Place tape diagonally on your nail covering the part you want to be grey. Make sure that the tape is going on with the straight side on your nail.
3. Press the tape down on your nail so it is secured and there are no bubbles or bumps. If you peel it back slowly and your grey coat is dry you don't need to worry about the polish coming off.
4. Paint 2-3 coats of the pink.
5. Peel off the tape slowly, you can do this while the pink is wet just don't wiggle the tape.
6. Finish with top coat!
Your beautiful nails are ready!

I love this look and have gotten tons of compliments because it is so cool looking yet so easy. This can also be done with any colors, contrasting colors and complimentary colors look best but experiment!

- Polish Queen

Saturday 30 July 2011

First Post!

This is my first post on this blog. I'm so excited to finally have something to do with my life besides painting my nails ( just kidding...not ). I have looked through tons of nail blogs yet haven't found one with out all these:
A. Freaky long cat-lady nail (no offense)
B. Super hard instructions/ designs
C.  Horrible teen writing.

So I gathered my computer and decided to start something I could share with the world. My passion is painting my nails with cool and funky patterns and colors. I will try to upload a picture, description and how-to at least once a week. Hopefully someone out there will find this blog and world will catch on, but until then I am just happy having fun.

Write you soon!
- Polish Queen